Te Taiopenga Waka Hourua i Te Waipounamu

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E kawea atu ana e Te Hau Kōmaru te Taiopenga Waka Hourua ki Te Waipounamu mō te wā tuatahi i te tau 2024, ā, he whakahaerenga tēnei hei titi ki te mahara.

Ā te 7 ki te 14 o Āperira, i te whanga o Kaiteretere, ka hui ngā waka o Aotearoa ki te whakanui i te ao whakahirahira o te waka hourua.

E hīkaka ana a Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr, te heamana takirua o Te Hau Kōmaru, ki tēnei haerenga ki Te Waipounamu. E whakapono nei ia ko te take e angitu ai te kaupapa nei ko te āhua o te tiaki, o te whakamātau, o te whakanui hoki a ngā kaihāpai i ngā mātauranga waka.

I tēnei kaupapa, ka wānangahia ngā kōrero tuku iho me ngā mātauranga o uki e pā ana ki ngā mahi waka, ki te whakatere waka, me ngā mahi katoa e hirahira ai ngā mātauranga waka hourua. E tūmanako nui nei te kāhui whakahaere mā te honohono me te tuku i ēnei mōhiotanga ka ora tonu ēnei mātauranga, ā, haere ake nei. Nō reira, ko wai e takatū ana ki tēnei haerenga whakahirahira i te ao o te waka hourua?



Te Hau Kōmaru is bringing the Waka Hourua Festival to the South Island for the very first time in 2024, and it’s going to be an event to remember.

From April 7 to 14, at Kaiteretere harbour, waka from all around Aotearoa will gather to celebrate the fascinating world of waka hourua.

Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr, the co-chair of Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Charitable Trust, is thrilled about this journey to the South Island. He believes that the success of the festival is all about how everyone involved protects, practices, and celebrates the use of mātauranga waka.

During this week-long adventure, you’ll get to dive into kōrero tuku iho and the ancient practices of sailing, navigation, and everything that makes mātauranga waka hourua so fascinating. The organisers hope that by connecting and sharing these practices, they can keep the knowledge alive for generations to come. So, who’s ready for an epic journey into the world of waka hourua?

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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