Te Māori Tuatahi i Whakawhiwhia ki tētahi Oscar

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Kia ora! Kei te mōhio rānei koe ki a Taika Waititi? Ki te kore, kia takatū, nā te mea he ringatohu, he kiriwhakaari tino rongonui ia e waihanga nei i ngā kiriata whakahirahira, i ngā kiriata hātakēhi e kī ana i ngā mahi mātātoa.

Ko te roanga ake o tōna ingoa, ko Taika David Cohen, ā, nō Te Whānau-ā-Apanui ia, i Aotearoa nei. I tipu ake ia i tētahi wāhi autaia hoki, i Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

I mōhio tuatahitia ia mō tana kiriata poto e kīia nei ko “Two Cars, One Night.” He kiriata tēnei mō ngā tamariki e rua i tūtaki i a rāua e tatari ana ki ō rāua mātua i te pāparakāuta. Nā te pai o tēnei kiriata i tohungia ai ia mō tētahi tohu Academy! He tohu whai mana tērā i te ao kiriata.

Heoi, ehara koirā anake! Arā kē noa atu ngā kiriata whakahirahira kua waihangahia e Taika, pēnei i a “Boy”, i a “Hunt for the Wilderpeople”, i a “Thor: Ragnarok”, i a “Thor: Love and Thunder”, i a “Jojo Rabbit” anō hoki. He pai āna kiriata ki ngā tāngata puta noa i te ao, nā te mea he pārekareka katoa.

Koinei rā te āhuatanga pai katoa: ehara i te mea he ringatohu pai rawa atu noa iho ia, ko ia te Māori tuatahi, ko ia hoki te tangata taketake tuatahi kua whakawhiwhia ki tētahi Oscar. He tohu motuhake ka whakawhiwhia ki te tangata i tana tuhi i ngā pakiwaitara pai rawa atu!

Arā kē noa atu ngā tohu kua whakawhiwhia ki a Taika, pēnei i te tohu BAFTA me tētahi tohu Grammy. Ā, hei āpiti atu, i whakaingoatia ia e tētahi māheni rongonui rawa atu, e Time, i te rārangi whakaaweawe 100 i te ao, i te tau 2022. Koirā te pai o tēnei tangata!

He tumu herenga waka a Taika nā āna mahi nui taioreore kia noho ai ia hei ringatohu, hei kiriwhakaata rongonui i te ao. Waihoki, e whakahīhī ana ia i tōna ahurea Māori, ka mutu, ka whakaaturia tēnei taha ōna mā āna kaupapa whakahirahira. Nō reira, kia maumahara ki te tangata taketake tuatahi i whakawhiwhia ki tētahi tohu Oscar, ki a Taika Waititi, ā, me mātakitaki tonu hoki i āna kiriata rawe!



The First Māori to Receive an Oscar

Kia ora! Do you know who Taika Waititi is? If you don’t, get ready to be amazed because he’s a super famous movie director and actor who creates the most exciting and funny films full of adventure.

Taika’s full name is Taika David Cohen, and he’s from a place called Te Whānau-ā-Apanui in New Zealand. He grew up in Wellington, which is a cool place too.

Taika first became known for a short film he made called “Two Cars, One Night.” It’s about two kids who meet while waiting in their cars for their parents at a pub. This short film was so good that it got him nominated for an Academy Award! That’s like a super big movie award.

But that’s not all! Taika has made lots of other awesome movies like “Boy,” “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” “Thor: Ragnarok,” “Thor: Love and Thunder,” and “Jojo Rabbit.” People all around the world love his movies because they are so much fun.

Here’s the really, really cool part: Taika Waititi is not just an amazing filmmaker, he’s also the very first Māori person and the first indigenous person ever to win an Oscar for the Best Adapted Screenplay. That’s like winning a super-special award for writing really great movie stories!

Taika has won lots of other awards too, like a BAFTA Award and a Grammy Award. And guess what? A super famous magazine called Time named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2022. That’s how awesome he is!

Taika is a true inspiration because he worked super hard to become a world-class movie director and actor. Plus, he’s really proud of his Māori culture and shares it with the world through his amazing projects. So, remember Taika Waititi, the amazing indigenous Oscar winner, and keep watching his awesome movies!

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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