Te Kāwana-Tianara Māori Tuatahi

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Kia ora! Kua whakaaro rānei koe ki te mahi a Te Kāwana-Tianara o Aotearoa? Heoi, ko rātou te kaiāwhina a te Kīngi i Aotearoa nei, ā, e toru ā rātou mahi matua!

Ko te mahi tuatahi, ko te tākaro i tētahi kēmu nui e kīia nei ko te “Kēmu Kāwanatanga”. Ko tā rātou he tīmata, he whakamutu hoki i ngā hui whakahirahira, he whakamana i ngā ture hou, he kōwhiri hoki i ngā tāngata rawe rawa atu hei whakakapi i ngā tūranga motuhake. He pēnei i te noho hei kaiwhakawā mō te motu!
Ko te mahi tuarua, ko te whakapaipai i a rātou anō mō ngā pāti whakahirahira, pēnei i ngā wā e tuwhera ai ngā tatau ki Pāremata, i ngā wā rānei e whakawhiwhia ai ngā tohu ki ngā tāngata mīharo rawa atu.

Ko te mahi tuatoru, ko te tipi haere a te Kāwana-Tianara i te motu, e hāereere ana i Aotearoa whānui ki te tūtaki atu ki ētahi tāngata, ki te whakapuaki kōrero, ki te tautoko hoki i ngā tōpūtanga aroha.
Nā, kia kōrero tātou mō tētahi Kāwana-Tianara autaia e kīia nei ko Tā Paul Reeves. I te tau 1985, i tū ia hei Kāwana-Tianara Māori tuatahi mō Aotearoa. I pēnei a Tā Paul i tētahi tuahangata nō te ao nei!

I tipu ake ia i Te Whanganui-a-Tara, ā, i ako ia hei pirihi, ka mutu, i noho mai ia hei pirihi Māori tuatahi mō te whare wānanga o Oxford. Tētahi mahi nui!
I rawe hoki ki a Tā Paul te whakakata i te tangata, ā, i ngā wā i pātaitia ia mō te nui o te toto Māori kei tōna tinana, ko tana whakautu: kei tōna “waru paina”.
I kīia rā a Tā Paul he tuahangata tūturu ake nei, ā, nāna i pai ake ai, i hātakēhi ake ai a Aotearoa.


Kia ora! Ever wonder what the Governor-General of Aotearoa does? Well, they are like the King’s helper in New Zealand, and they’ve got three super important jobs!
Firstly, they play a big game called “Constitutional Fun.” They start and finish important meetings, say “yes” to new rules, and pick cool people for special jobs. It’s like being the referee of the country!
Next, they get to dress up for important parties, like when they open Parliament or give awards to amazing people.
Finally, the Governor-General becomes a friendly explorer, traveling around New Zealand to meet people, make speeches, and help with charities.

Now, let me tell you about a cool Governor-General named Sir Paul Reeves. Back in 1985, he became the first Māori Governor-General. Sir Paul was like a real-life superhero!
He grew up in Wellington, studied to be a priest, and even became the first Māori priest at Oxford University. That’s a big deal!

Sir Paul loved to make people laugh and people asked how much Māori blood he had; he would answer about “eight pints”.
Sir Paul was considered a true superhero, making Aotearoa a better and funnier place.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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