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No Petrol on Chatham Islands

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The Chatham Islands have run out of petrol, and diesel supplies are running low after bad weather forced a barge carrying fuel to turn back.

The Chatham Islands are located about 800 kilometers east of New Zealand’s South Island. They are part of New Zealand and consist of around ten islands, the largest of which are Chatham Island (also known as Rekohu in the Moriori language) and Pitt Island (Rangiauria).

Mayor Monique Croon said the island has been out of petrol for about a month and without LPG cooking gas for the last three weeks.

The fuel supplies are currently on a barge in Auckland, delayed by weather. While there is still some diesel left, the situation is urgent.

The barge was scheduled to leave in early June but was delayed and set off on Tuesday night for the five-day journey to the Chathams. However, it had to turn back due to unfavorable weather forecasts.

Efforts are being made to find alternative vessels to bring fuel to the island as soon as possible. In the meantime, the council plans to ensure the community has the essentials to stay warm and fed.

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