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Mosquito Swarm Delays Flight in Mexico

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A flight from Guadalajara to Mexico City encountered an unusual delay, extending for over two hours, due to a mosquito infestation on board the aircraft.

The Volaris Flight VOI221, originally scheduled for a 4:30 p.m. local time departure, was held up until 6:59 p.m. while both the flight crew and passengers joined forces to tackle the mosquito situation. Videos recorded by passengers capture the scene, with the troublesome insects being swatted and repelled with bug spray by flight attendants.

Interestingly, passengers noted that the mosquitoes began to disperse once the cabin lights were switched off.

Guadalajara International Airport, nestled amid lush vegetation and subject to periodic flooding, is an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes, according to officials.

While travel disruptions are common due to various reasons, a mosquito swarm creating a flight delay is certainly a unique occurrence in the annals of aviation history.

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