A Canadian man set a Guinness World Record by eating 25 Carolina reaper chilli peppers in just 4 minutes and 36.26 seconds. Mike Jack, a YouTuber known for his ability to handle extreme spice, achieved the record at Goatfest in Kitchener, Ontario.
The Carolina reaper is one of the hottest peppers in the world, measuring around 1.6 million Scoville Heat Units—hundreds of times spicier than a jalapeño.
Jack admitted the challenge was painful, saying, “I might make it look a little easier than it is, but I’m burning up here.” Despite the intense heat, he powered through to secure his record. This isn’t his only Guinness title—though he’s famous for spice challenges, he also set a record last year for drinking a Capri Sun juice pouch in just 21.71 seconds using a paper straw.
Carolina reapers were once the world’s hottest pepper, but they were dethroned by “Pepper X” in 2023. Still, eating 25 of them in under five minutes is a feat few would dare to attempt!