Kate Sylvester, a well-known fashion designer from New Zealand, has announced that she will close her fashion business after 31 years. Sylvester and her partner, Wayne Conway, revealed that the brand will release its final collection in the summer of 2024 and officially close in mid-2025.
Sylvester began her career creating unique, hand-sewn t-shirts with a punk rock style and promoted her first brand, Sister, through graffiti in Auckland. Over the years, her fashion label became a major part of New Zealand’s fashion scene, with famous figures like former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern wearing her designs.
Sylvester and Conway said they started the company with nothing but a dream and a strong belief in each other. After working hard for three decades, they feel it’s time to move on to a new chapter in their lives. Sylvester’s fashion shows were known for being emotional and more than just about the clothes. The designer has always kept her brand independent, choosing to close the business rather than sell the name, which has happened with many international designers.
Noooo!!!! Sounds like a really interesting Designer! Wish I could see more photos, sounds like a pretty cool fashion business.🎩👗👚
I might look into some of her designs,
🤪 Out!