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Instagram to add restrictions to under-16 accounts

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Instagram is introducing new changes to protect teenagers on its platform.

All users under the age of 16 will automatically be placed into “Teen accounts,” which will come with stronger restrictions. These settings include making accounts private by default, limiting who can tag or message them, and placing restrictions on what content they can see.

Teens will need permission from a parent or guardian to change these settings. The platform will also encourage time limits, sending reminders to take breaks after an hour of use and suggesting sleep times.

These changes will first apply to teenagers in the UK, US, Canada, and Australia. Then, it will further extend to more countries.

Existing teen users will be switched to the new account type within 60 days. Instagram’s updates come in response to growing pressure on social media platforms to protect young users, especially with the upcoming Online Safety Act, which will enforce stricter rules on illegal content.

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