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90 Responses
I really liked this video because now I know some cool things I did’nt before.
thank you
great video thanks for keeping us updated
I love watching you. You are soo Entertaining
I know I’m commenting again but seriously you guys are amazbeans (a word that I made up I think)!
Fact: Polar bears facing starvation.
nice video i watched it
very bary hary
I love the vibe loll
This is my first time watching INFO JAM and I love it as it shows me many facts that I may not know
GREAT video!!
Great video!!!
this video was cool thanks for keeping us updated
Wow I’m only flying with air new Zealand from now on
Thanks for the update!
Great video! Thanks
I liiked this video of your
😜really cool wow! Are u guys still doing shout outs? Cuz if so shout out to te kauwhata! Or me ☺️
And we should get it because we’re a small town no one barely notices so we should feel noticed also because of our great mural at TKP (that I designed and made with the help of student leaders) thanks lots mates
I love your videos
That’s so cool that air new Zealand is one of the safest airlines wow!! And a girl with 38 teeth that’s so cool!!
What 36 teeth thats crazy!
OMG! I had no idea Air New Zealand was the safest airline that’s so cool!! and a girl in India with 38 teeth that’s so amazing!!
thanks for keeping us updated
That was great now I know what’s a infojams is thank you for telling us good bye
I know right!
woahhh didn’t know that
Wow this is great
great video
great video thanks
very good vid
Very cool! Such cool info! Air NZ is an amazing airline, I agree it’s the safest.
I liked this because I found out tons of Information I didn’t know
that’s a lot of teeth *side eye*
I wonder what kind of ancient city was discovered?
great video 10/10
cant believe that they discovered a whole ancient city in the amazon
I really love this video because I have learned cool things that I didn’t before.
Kia Ora
thank you for telling us all about the stuff that happened in the holidays
Thanks for the cool facts. I learnt something!!!
Thank you for the video
nice video
Thanks for the info!
That’s so cool how New Zealand’s airline is the safest in the WORLD!
it was a great video
pretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyy pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse can i have a pizza party also i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee ur vids keep up the awesome content 🙂
Nice,I did not know that Air New Zealand was so safe.
36 teeth is a lot
wow it would be crazy to that many teeth in a family photo .
Cool facts
Didn’t know that they discovered a ancient city in the Amazon Jungle!
that is soooooooooooooo cool!!!!!
It was quite interesting because I get to know all of you guys.
And also it was a lot hearing from all of you guys
It is a learning experience for me to know what is happening around my environment
38 is a lot of teeth
This is cool (and interesting!)
I think that it is super cool they’ve found an ancient city in the Amazon!
Wow that’s a lot of teeth
thanks for the info
Thats awesome!
thanks for keeping us updated >:3
thanks for the updates :3
Wow I can’t believe that woman had 6 extra teeth!
I think that I would also love to go to the Amazon with air New Zealand.
Wow that is so cool i did not know any of that before thank you love your videos
Thats crazy im not flying with anyone else like jeststar
i like it because it told me things that i never knew that was cool
nice work
nice work.
I loved watching this video! 🙂
Thanks for the video and keep us updated
This is so cool!
Really cool
I really liked this video Now i know some stuff i dint, Thanks!!
Very cool, I like the futuristic style. and btw I am going to fly on air new Zealand this September, so slayyyyy
how does it feel to be on kiwi kids news
Glad to know that Air New Zealand is the safest airline in the world.
Watching the video was an easy way to learn about the news!
that was cool i learnt so many new things
hi good video,
Hi really love your work thankssss,
Hey guys great video can´t wait to come back
Thanks for keeping me updated! 🙂
Hi that was a really great video you guys are so good!
You guys always keep me updated and help me learn new facts!
I never new that air new Zealand is the safest airline in the world