90 Responses

  1. I know I’m commenting again but seriously you guys are amazbeans (a word that I made up I think)!

  2. 😜really cool wow! Are u guys still doing shout outs? Cuz if so shout out to te kauwhata! Or me ☺️

  3. And we should get it because we’re a small town no one barely notices so we should feel noticed also because of our great mural at TKP (that I designed and made with the help of student leaders) thanks lots mates

  4. That’s so cool that air new Zealand is one of the safest airlines wow!! And a girl with 38 teeth that’s so cool!!

  5. OMG! I had no idea Air New Zealand was the safest airline that’s so cool!! and a girl in India with 38 teeth that’s so amazing!!

  6. I really love this video because I have learned cool things that I didn’t before.
    Kia Ora

  7. pretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyypretttttttyyy pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse can i have a pizza party also i loooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee ur vids keep up the awesome content 🙂

  8. And also it was a lot hearing from all of you guys
    It is a learning experience for me to know what is happening around my environment

  9. Very cool, I like the futuristic style. and btw I am going to fly on air new Zealand this September, so slayyyyy

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