13 Responses

  1. Hello.I would like my school to be called out on shout out so thank u ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ•

  2. hi I would like a shout out for waimea intermediate cause we watch you every week and love your videos๐Ÿ’—

  3. Hi I would like a shout out because i’ve watched most of your info jams my school is waimea intermediate nelson

  4. in our perspective we think we should live by our school mission statement. a friendly, caring school showing quality leaning and behaviour within a collaborative partnership.

  5. Kia ora this is from Whakatane Intermediate school, from two students named Ella Copeland and Olive Jones. We really love your videos and we respect our own persective and yours.He Kura Manaki he Kura atawhai I nga tikinga rangatira ki raro I te Koro wai nga tahi. A friendly and caring school showing qaulity learning and behavior within a collaborative partnership.

    PS. You guys are mine and Ellas favourites to watch on kiwikids news.We would love for you to respond back thank you all so much!

  6. hi i think our school would love a shout out.
    we have loved reading this crazy stuff and the odd stuff.
    please shout out south new brighton school.

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