68 Responses

  1. Hi, I watch the info jam pop as soon as I can when it drops. I’m also from Pukekohe Hill School, Room 29. Thank you, that pizza was delicious!

  2. 1. being friendly
    2. help others
    3. give things you don’t need

    From the best School ST Jons School

  3. Helping out everyone and your friends.
    Being friendly to everyone and being kind.
    Smile at anyone who walks past to make their day feel better.

    Be friendly to everyone
    Include people in your games
    Say kind words

    SHOUT OUT to St Johns School, Ranfurly because our school is awesome.

  5. Here are 3 ways you could show kindness
    1. Helping someone out with their work or if they get hurt.
    2. Saying nice compliments to others.
    3. Being friendly and honest towards everyone.

    You should shout us out! (St John’s School Ranfurly)

  6. Three ways we can share kindness are!!!!!
    1 Smile at people you see even if you don’t know them!
    2 Be polite by saying please and thank you!
    3 Be kind to everyone and remember that two wrongs don’t make a right!

    SHOUT OUT: St Johns School!! We are always kind and stick to our school values!

  7. Isla says
    3 ways to show kindness are
    1. help people when they need it
    2.don’t be mean
    3.say hi to people you don’t really talk to.

    St John’s School should get a shout out because we are kind caring school and we are the best school ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Say hello to everyone you see, Be kind to everyone to day, Be the best friendly to everyone.

    We should get and shout out because are school STJohn’s school is kind to everyone.

  9. Here are 3 ways you could show kindness:
    1. Helping someone if they need some help.
    2. Saying nice compliment words to others.
    3. Always be nice and friendly to others.

    From St Johns School

  10. manurewa central our school has been with the info jam watching till the end and to pay my respects to toriama rip we will miss you. so pick us for the shout out

  11. Here are 3 ways you could show kindness:
    1. Helping someone if they need some help.
    2. Saying nice words to others.
    3. Always be nice and friendly to others.

    From St John’s School

  12. hello I think opawa school deserves a shoutout because we show kindness and we all care about each other

  13. 3 ways to share kindness
    help someone that needed help.
    play with others.
    stand up for someone when they were getting bully.

  14. help people that need help,don’t put people down and stand up for them
    Whakatane Intermediate School

  15. hi i watched your video and i loved it i so didn’t just read the subtitles p.s my school is whakatane intermediate rm 2 te kotahitanga..

  16. Helping people when they need it and
    showing respect to the teacher
    Whakatane intermediate school
    Room 2

  17. hi i just watched your video and loved it i was so inspiring the kindness in the video and the smiles were just amazing.
    You can show kindness by:
    helping somebody out

  18. to help others with there work,helping other if they need something done and if they get left out of something i will include them to come do it with me

  19. Hello kiwi kids news and fellow people from around the beautiful place aotearoa, i would like to thank you for your beautiful 3 minute video i loved how you would explain so clearly. love from tauranga intermediate SKIBIDI FORTNITE

  20. 1. Being kind
    2. Care for everyone
    3.Include people

    Me Also like cheese

  21. How to be Nice,

    1, Being kind and humble towards strangers.
    2, Appreciate everyone.
    3, Have manners, e.g Pardon, Thank you.

    Please come visit St Kents in the year 7 building.

  22. Omg this is my first info jam and i wish i watched them earlier they are so cool
    Having manners especially to adults
    Include other people
    Be humble
    -Ash from rm 24 PNINS

  23. Thank you for letting me know about the new McDonalds uniform in the UK, it was very helpful I wanted to know that a lot


    Harvey from Taradale Intermediate

  24. Being kind
    Helping out

    Palmerston north intermediate normal school (aka the best school)

  25. I think blockhouse bay intermediate because we have the best grounds with 37 sporting events and we get to go to camp one year and eotc ( education outside the class) which includes archery at school and many others

  26. 3 ways to be kind

    Also PNINS (Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School) should get the shout out because we give out all of the kindness and we get it back like a boomerang. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK TO U!!

  27. 3 ways to be kind

    Also PNINS (Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School) should get the shout out because we give out all of the kindness and we get it back like a boomerang. IT ALWAYS COMES BACK TO U!!

  28. Secret question:
    What we can all collaborate together is a collaborative art their really Fun.

    Waikanae school, RM 12!!!

  29. Rip Akira Toriyama you will forever be missed.
    Not even the dragon balls can bring him back, but he will be forever in our hearts.

  30. Hi, I love that Goku video because that’s my brother’s school and my name is Paige and I go to Belmont primary school! just down the road..

  31. you can
    do something good when no one’s watching.
    you can be kind.
    helping someone with their work.

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