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25 Responses
What tips do you have for someone who is feeling confused by others’ choices or actions?
I’ll read out one of the answers in next week’s episode
@madssv, 😂
i will just told what my friend told my just think about your actions or chocies
hi poo
go the abs
Have a talk with them so they stop acting out.
whats uppppppp Kyle dude!!!!!!!!!!
just move on and ignore it
OMG TYSM the tips i would give is to concentrate on yourself for a bit and just take your mind off it for a bit then go and ask them when your ready – LAYLA
Go I love your videos
go Springboks
sigma sigma who is the skibbdy of them all
omg that was amaz
your the best kyle
hi i’m am so cool and funny.
hi what to do in your weekly work today so kyle
how did you delete my own challenges this week and what do you do in the weekend please let me know okay bye. 2024or2025
kids do not need to get banned from Snapchat or Youtube they need to be banned from Facebook
I think they don’t have to get banned from Snapchat or Youtube because the only harm full website is Facebook the can talk to people they don’t know and could get hacked
hi my name is Frankie I go to tehuruhi school and I saw the Xmas tree I Auckland it so cool😂
my opinion for the question is you if they feel quite overwelmend sometimes let them have their space and just walk away
year are u? Magical freind girl.