83 Responses

  1. Hi team!
    I think integrity means being humble, having mana, showing leadership qualities, keeping promises, hard-working, trustworthy. being true to your friends, others, and yourself, owning your mistakes.

    Thanks for your considerations from Woodend School Canterbury!

  2. I think integrity means being true to yourself and doing what you say you are going to do.

  3. Hi.
    I think that integrity means, looking out for yourself and others, and honesty. Thank you.

    Woodend School Canterbury!

  4. Hi there, integrity to me means being kind and showing good values. It also means don’t do something to someone that you wouldn’t like yourself.

  5. Hi this is woodend school Canterbury
    I think integrity means to be true to yourself and it means mana.

    From Woodend school / Ivy cartwrigh

  6. Hi this is lily squires from woodend school, Canterbury
    I think integrity means to be true to yourself and showing mana!

    From woodend school. Canterbury/lily squires

  7. Hi this is TJ from WOODEND school. I think integrity means being helpful and showing respect to others. It means being true to yourself and not being someone that others want me to be.

    Woodend School, Canterbury

  8. Integrity to me means helping others and not being what others want me to be, but just being myself.

  9. Integrity to me means helping others and not being what others want me to be, but just being myself.

    From Woodend school Canterbury

  10. I think integrity means doing the right thing, even when no-one is watching and just being nice.

  11. i think integrity means being
    – being your self
    -being honest
    -cleaning up after your self
    – having a flawless moral

  12. Hi there
    I think integrity means that you are hard-working and learning from your mistakes.

  13. Hi I think integrity means growth mindset Being honest have a strong mindset and being honest

  14. Hi there I think integrity means being honest
    And having strong moral principles.

  15. Hi there I think that integrity means to be kind to others and be your best self.

    From Woodend School

  16. Hi there I think integrity means to be your own best self and be strong

    From Woodend school

  17. Hey team, I think integrity is when you are your best self and when you be humble, goodbye

  18. Hi there, I think integrity means to be your best self and being honest from woodend school🫶✌🏻

  19. Hi, I think integrity means keeping promises, being honest, being true to yourself and being true to friends and family. Regards Woodend School ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Hi there I think integrity means keeping true to yourself and your friends and keeping promises.Thank you.

  21. Hey there team!
    I think integrity means being yourself , keeping promises,being humble and being true to your friends,family and yourself.


  22. Hey kiwi’s! I’m a year five student at Woodend school and currently in a maths lesson (writing with permission of course) and I think integrity means being trustworthy, honest and open. This is just me guessing so don’t think I’m this kid writing for pizza 🍕! From Blake .J. Thanks!

  23. Hello team,

    How is your day going?
    I think integrity means to be honest and humble and keep promises.

    Did you know the U.S.A. eats over 350 slices of pizza every second.

    Thanks for you time
    From Woodend school Cantebury.

  24. Kia Ora team,
    Hope your day is going good.
    I think integrity means ,owning your masticates and being your true self and being honest and all that sort of stuff

    Did you 36% of Americans believe that pizza is a breakfast meal!

    Thank for your time from woodend school Canterbury.

  25. i think integrity means being yourself keeping true to yourself keeping promises and being humble marlia 8B3 rolleston primary school xx

  26. hi its Abby from awakeri school and I think that integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong morals. we love ya’ll we have all learned so much from you guys thanks

  27. Hi my name is Amiria andI think that Integrity means, the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, witch relates to the kura’s around Aotearoa.


  28. Integrity
    meaning 1: adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
    meaning 2: the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished:

  29. my class is rimu s in sherwood school
    I think integrity means being honest and having strong marol.

  30. Integrity: someone who does the right thing even when no one is looking. They are honest and make a good friend.

  31. I think integrity doing the right thing even when you could do the wrong thing and get away with it.

    Ben rm 29 Pukekohe Hill School.

  32. I think integrity is doing the right thing even when you could do the wrong thing and get away with it.

    Ben rm 29 Pukekohe Hill School.

  33. I think
    integrity means being honest and not being sneaky and only do what you are aloud to do. Quinn my school is pukekohe hill school.

  34. I think integrity means being sneaky and not doing the wrong thing at the right time.from room 29 pukekohe hill school charlie.

  35. I think integrity means like being honest to people.
    Libby, Room 29, Pukekohe Hill School

  36. I think integrity means being honest to your friends and family.

    by hunter room29@ pukekohe

  37. I think integrity means being honest to your friends and family.

    by hunter room29@ pukekohe

  38. Hi Frankie and Lyds (sorry if i spelt your name wrong)

    I think integrity means being honest and truthful. quick question could i have a shoutout? – Harley turner pukekohe hill school rm 29.

  39. I think integrity means even if you have an opportunity to do something sneaky you should still do the right thing.

    from LeviD room 29 pukekohe hill school

  40. I think integrity means being honest and not being sneaky.

    from ArchieS room 29 Pukekohe hill school

  41. I think integrity means helping each other.

    by Stella Room29 at Pukekoheh Hill School.

  42. It means being honest and if something you need to do is hard, you should still do it.

  43. Kia Ora Info Jam Team
    I think Integrity means being honest, being a team leader, keeping promises, being humble, and supporting others.
    Thanks for your time
    Sincerely Woodend School Canterbury

  44. Hi marlia from 8B3 here 👋🏻
    I think integrity means honesty and trustworthiness and being a good person with moral prinicples thats what it means to me!
    Rolleston primary school 8B3

  45. Kia ora! This created a huge discussion in our 8B3 class at Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School. We decided that integrity is part of honesty and having strong moral principles. If you have integrity you stand up for something you believe in. You don’t follow the crowd and you do the right thing because you know its right in your heart.
    Kia ora! From 8B3 and Mrs B

  46. being honourable deserve to be honoured something like that
    from noelle at sunnybrae normal school

  47. I think integrity means kindness and compassion. Also, I love facts about America because I’m from America.

  48. I think integrity means to have a good attitude towards your learning and to do your best in all areas of school.

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