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28 Responses
I want to make cobden and greymouth a better place by keeping it clean by picking up heaps of rubbish for our enviorment !.
hi Frankie I am from room 29 the class that won a pizza feast thank you very much could I have a shout out?
I want to put up hammocks in the trees in my school (Waikanae School) with the help of my friends and others so that people can relax in the trees
Secret Question answer:
I think a great thing to collaborate on is a GIANORMOUS piece of art because art is great, it isn’t the most valued subject at school and I think a lot of us need just a little break from school work
Thank you
Room 12 Waikanae School NZ
Room 4 at Te Horo School have a few ideas. First think they would like to work collaboratively to reduce the amount of rubbish around the school by having one day a week where we do a rubbish clean up. We will share what we find with the school and hope to reduce the amount we find each week. We will make some posters to support us, identifying the school bins, encouraging people to bring less plastic wrap in their lunch, encouraging others to take their rubbish home. We could have a plastic free day.
Another idea was to celebrate the schools birthday as a whole school. Room 4 would like to hold a birthday party for the school. We could bring stuff from home to decorate, we could plant a garden to celebrate and we could throw our hats up in the air as a celebration.
We also would like to encourage students to eat more healthy food. We are going to do this by growing healthy fruit and vegetables in our school garden, making some food with it and sharing it with our class and school. We will also encourage people to eat the healthy food in their lunchboxes before sweet food. We hope this will help us be healthier and not sick. We will send a message out to our families about sending fruit and veges as snacks We have a sharing shed at school where we are already sharing some of the healthy food from our school garden.
We have just got back from our 3 day Year 6 camp and we collaborated with each other all day long. We worked together on challenges, helped each other to face our fears, worked together to keep each other safe and cheered each other on.
Thank you, WE LOVE PIZZA!
Kokako Kohanga
Manurewa Central School
A stop motion movie
I think the giant blueberry would taste sweet
Well this year I became a part of class council and this year I want to make it easier on the teachers with letting the school show more independence. PNINS (Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School) RM3
Room 2 Heretaunga Intermediate have a few ideas. First think they would like to work all together to reduce the amount of rubbish around the school by having one day a week where we do a rubbish clean up. We will share what we find with the school and hope to reduce the amount we find each week. We will make some posters to support us, identifying the school bins, encouraging people to bring less plastic wrap in their lunch, encouraging others to take their rubbish home. We could have a No plastic day or put our plastic in huge recycling bin.
Another idea was to celebrate the schools birthday as a whole school. Room 2a would like to hold a birthday party for the school. We could bring stuff from home to decorate, we could plant a garden to celebrate and we could throw our hats up in the air as a celebration.
We also would like to encourage students to eat more healthy food. We are going to do this by growing healthy fruit and vegetables in our school garden, making some food with it and sharing it with our class and school. We will also encourage people to eat the healthy food in their lunchboxes before sweet food. We hope this will help us be healthier and not sick.
Secret question: With my friends/classmates, I would work on some type of project, like an art project (because art is cool). I would gather four of us in a group, and each of us would work on one of the four sectors of a page so there’s less time wasted.
We would choose a theme such as a forest, deserted beach, or pirate ships! It would take us some time to complete the project, since we are in year 8 and pay attention to detail! We would sketch with pencil first since we could make mistakes easily and colored pencils or paint don’t rub out with an eraser . . .
We have a room specialized for art at our school, so we are decently good at art here at Heretaunga Intermediate. Every week we go to the art room to do some drawing/painting. SpongeBob is the most drawn thing in the art room because most of us here are kinda childish. The teacher in the art class is really nice, so get to know her!
This project might become a reality soon with our class starting an art project on Friday! The day the other infojam comes out, I will stay tuned to see the new infojam and see if I win this pizza!

Room 2, Heretaunga Intermediate 260 Orchard road
Secret question answer:
room 2 Heretauge intermediate
I would like to help my school environment by cleaning up all the rubbish as a class and every week we swap classes doing the rubbish clean up around the school and we can then have a nice clean school to come to and its not got litter like it does now this school needs to be a nice clean education space and also a good place to play P.E and we don’t have to pick up as much rubbish so we don’t miss out on to much of P.E or playtime.
Thank you.
Picking up rubbish taking care of people respecting people giving them a cuddle if they are hurt or mad help each other
Room 2 at PNINS (Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School) have a few ideas. First think they would like to work collaboratively to reduce the amount of rubbish around the school by having one day a week where we do a rubbish clean up. We will share what we find with the school and hope to reduce the amount we find each week. We will make some posters to support us, identifying the school bins, encouraging people to bring less plastic wrap in their lunch, encouraging others to take their rubbish home. We could have a plastic free day.
We also would like to encourage students to eat more healthy food. We are going to do this by growing healthy fruit and vegetables in our school garden, making some food with it and sharing it with our class and school. We will also encourage people to eat the healthy food in their lunchboxes before sweet food. We hope this will help us be healthier and not sick. We will send a message out to our families about sending fruit and veges as snacks.
Hi there
I am not sure what happened there but another school has copied our ideas. I hope that they will use our great ideas to work collaboratively at their school.
I hope you keep posting videos
Hi from room greenisland dunedin i want to do to get more epor8 suff
20.4 grams is crazy for just a single blueberry.
Secret question answer:
Some ways to collaborate are in things like sports and extra curricular activities. Some others ways to collaborate are on a group project or activity.
Some things that PNINS collaborates in is the Production and Performing Arts Groups. These are important because there’s a whole group and you have to get along with everyone.
Some other ways PNINS collaborates is by sharing ideas with each other. We also show collaboration when our class or pod play a game together and we have to work together to win.
great !
Mt Noctus may be tall but doesn’t compare to Olypus Mons which is as wide as some regions like Manawatu.
we like sour blueberry’s
our favourite type of blueberry’s are
the sour ones
I’ve researched that volcano on mars.
Yay new coins