24 Responses

  1. First time watchers of InfoJam and thought we would comment on the Pizza Fest Hidden Question.
    At Kaimata School we deal with big emotions by:
    – meditating
    – talking it out with a friend, parent, teacher, or a trusted person
    – Stop, Talk and Walk (Tell someone to stop, talk it out, walk away)
    – Cry it out (it’s ok to cry)
    – Read a book (find somewhere quiet and have some quiet time)
    From the list above there are no wrong answers, it depends on what you are feeling and how you want to deal with your emotions at the time.

  2. I usually just scream or stand there if I have a lot of big emotions. I also just laugh. Normally at myself for no reason.

  3. I manege my big emotions by talking to my bestie about it and she helps me along the way.and time have been tough this year and i would love some pizza 🙂

  4. Hi from Haast School
    We lOVE your videos and look forward to watching them each week. We get to learn about what is happening in the big wide world!

    Our kura is a very small isolated school at the bottom of the West Coast of the South Island. We have 9 students in total! Just like a big family because we know each other very well.

    Next to the school is a short track through the bush to the ocean. We can hear the waves crashing on the beach throughout the day. On a warm sunny day we can often be found on the beach doing our school work. It is a very special place we live in.

    It is awesome that you guys put the news into a fun kids way for us to see each week. It helps us to connect to what is going on outside of our isolated area.

    You Rock!
    Thank you so much

    Haast Kura

  5. go to my bedroom for a nap or timeout
    scream in my pillow
    use my WITS -walk away / ignore/ tell someone / STOP
    use a stress ball
    throw my pillow at the wall
    go out for fresh air
    run around outside

  6. In 8B3 at Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School we use a variety of strategies to manage our big emotions..
    – we do finger breathing
    – we talk to a friend, teacher or peer mediator
    – we walk/run to the back gate to release some of the emotion through physical activity.

  7. I scream into a pillow, ask a friends to help me, do something that I love or talk to a trusted adult.

    Rm 1

    Palmerston north intermediate normal school

  8. I manage my emotions by taking a deep breath or walking away.

    Please do your rock paper scissors challenge next week for PNINS(Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School).

  9. Omokoroa Point School, Mrs Lawrence and Room 10 year 3 and 4 students. What we do when we have big emotions;

    Scream into my pillow.
    Go and see my friend next door to talk about it.
    Think of something nice.
    Read in my room.
    Watch some TV.
    Sketch in my room.
    Read a book.

  10. HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    how are you ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    please read my letter at Fan male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Leamington primary
    I manage my emotions by listening to music and reading a good book

  12. How I handle my emotions is
    1.walk around angrily
    2.write an angry letter or keep it
    3.punch da wall
    4.take it out on my room
    5.just cry😭😭
    6.I just go outside and play basketball

    – EMIE
    from pukekohe hill school

  14. H.G.H.A.Y( HI GUYS HOW ARE YOU) thata what it mean.L.U.G(LOVE U GUYS
    – EMIE
    please say this on fan maiBYE MWAH

  15. i handle my feelings and emotions by
    – listing to music
    – screaming into my pillow !
    – have a small tanty
    – just cry
    -read a book
    – go for a walk by my self
    -just scream into my pillow
    – tell my teacher or parent
    -go on my ipad or phone or my xbox
    – just don’t talk at all


  16. Hi this is Jolin from st cuthberts and i manage my emotion by talk about it to someone or even crying it out because it makes me feel better i also like listening to music eating and reading a book . ( i think st cuthberts would like a pizza party)

  17. hi i’m Hemo i go to whakatane intermediate school and we are a friendly and caring school and we love kiwi kids news and we went some pizza big huge shout out for room 2 Te kotahitanga Kia ora 🙂

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