92 Responses

  1. Showing kindness can be a meaningful way to show that you care. It can also spread and cause other people to be kind which is like a chain reaction. When we are kind to others it makes us feel good inside.

  2. Changing a negative culture can happen by treating people how you would like to be treated with kindness, helping and caring about other people’s feelings.

  3. Kindness is a chain reaction so when saying something kind and nice you are causing the person to feel an emotion of happiness causing them to say something nice to another person which equals to endless chain reactions!

  4. Haumoana School-room6
    It stops people from being mean and unkind it also makes a better place for everyone

  5. I think being kind to others makes them feel good and make them want to spread kindness to because being kind feels good for you and the people/person your being kind to.

  6. I think that showing kindness in a negative culture can spread kindness to others like a chain reaction and soon enough the culture would be more positive than negative.

    Haumoana school – Room 6

  7. showing kindness means a lot ,for an example what if someone was bullying a kid in your school and no one was helping that kid that means they are by standers and that’s as bad as the bully then that’s your chance to shine try to be a up stander and be kind try and stand up to that kid. It might not seem like a lot but it means a lot to them.

  8. I think kindness can change although of bad stuff in the world and if your kind every day you will slowly in courage other people to be kind to because being kind feels good and if someones being kind to you it feels great.

  9. Hi!
    Spreading kindness is a good thing for all of us to know and do and you can teach it in a fun way which is really nice.

  10. My school, St Johns School, would like a shoutout because we are really caring with a lot of people, giving free stuff to people that are not in our school and doing really fun things as in Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming sports!

  11. 3 ways to show kindness:
    1. To help people
    2. Don’t be mean
    3. Say hi to people you see

    St John’s School should get a shout out. Because we are the best school ever.

  12. say kind things to people and even to people you don’t now and do things with out being asked.

  13. we like to help kids in are good work and we like to Respect the kids in are school is whakatane intermediate school. 🙂

  14. we like to help the kids in are good work and like showing kindness to are school is whakatane intermediate room 2

  15. I think showing kindness can change a negative atmosphere because if you’re kind to someone it makes them feel really good. It can make them feel wanted and like someone cares about them and how they feel, so one day if you’re in need of a friend then they might remember you being kind to them and they’ll be kind to you. Also, if you’re kind to someone it can make YOU feel really good about yourself. It’s about being an UPSTANDER, not a BYSTANDER. Upstanders, when they see someone upset, go and help them; bystanders, when they see someone upset, just ignore it and continue on with they’re day like nothing happened. Sometimes being a bystander is even worse than being the bully.
    By the way, we love your InfoJam videos please don’t stop making them!
    Mila Mitchell from Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School (PNINS) We would love a Pizza Feast!

  16. Hi guys its Zac Hoult here from Albany Junior High School (AJHS) in Auckland and I’d just like to say that I really like listening to Info jam weekly and I’d say A good way to turn negative cultures into positive ones is to sit down and chat to them and try to make them laugh (you’d be good at that Liam) and just try to make them happy 🙂
    (Also my classroom is 7K12 at AJHS)

  17. Showing kindness can change a negative culture because it can teach other around you to be kind a thoughtful to, showing kindness always benefits people so in a negative culture it can very easily make someones day and maybe even rewrite that cultures rules. My name is Ottilie Hull from SKC auckland I am in room EM15

  18. I enjoyed odd stuff because trading a damaged or lost book just for a cat photo would be so cool!

  19. Being kind can help other people, because when you say that other people will be full of emotions.

  20. Please go to st kents college 7wmw!
    Kindness can change negative culture because of being kind to everyone and having a good attitude when playing games and sport.

  21. If you are kind in a negative area, you make someone’s day by saying or doing something kind. Sometimes, bullies can try to find your weak spot and try to make you upset. They do this because they are sometimes insecure or feeling not ok about themselves.

    I am at PNINS rm 4 and we would love a pizza feast.

  22. It’s like the saying “Kill them with kindness’… say nice things to them and then they will start saying nice things as well. When you are positive around negative people it will soon rub off on them and they will become more positive. It is important to treat others how you want to be treated and kindness makes you happy inside.
    8B3 Te Ahi Kaikōmako Rolleston School, Rolleston.

  23. If you show kindness to someone then they are more likely to spread it as they are feeling good about themselves. Kindness is contagious. This will change a negative culture as in a negative culture there is not much kindness so if kindness infiltrates the culture it will change to kindness and be more positive.

  24. If you show kindness to someone then they are more likely to spread it as they are feeling good about themselves. Kindness is contagious. This will change a negative culture as in a negative culture there is not much kindness so if kindness infiltrates the culture it will change to kindness. Rm 11 Te Horo School

  25. Showing Kindness In A Negative Culture Can Inspire Other People To Show And Spread Their Kindness As Well. Kindness Can Make A Person Feel Better About The Situation They’re In, And Can Help People Be Kinder To Others That Are Also Going Through A Tough Time Like You Might’ve Been.

  26. Dude if it dropped that far that would mean all the stuff that wasn’t strapped down would be going straight to the roof! Including food that would’ve been absolutely terrifying.

  27. 3 ways to show kindness:
    1. To help people
    2. Don’t be mean
    3. Say hi to people you see

    Palmerston North Intermediate Normal School/ PNINS should get a shout out. Because we are the best school ever.

  28. cant wait for next info jam guys looks cooland sounds scary in that plane to

    can Richmond primary get a shout from you guys but more for Room5

  29. Kindness is a chain reaction so when saying something kind and nice you are causing the person to feel an emotion of happiness causing them to say something nice to another person which equals to endless chain reactions!

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