Doogie Lish Sandtiger, also known as the “Croc king,” is seeking Guinness World Records recognition for his impressive collection of over 2,000 pairs of Crocs footwear.
Sandtiger’s love for Crocs started when he was 16 and got his first pair, which changed his view of the divisive footwear.
He describes each pair as an “empty canvas” that he can style and dress up in different ways, making them his own work of art.
The collection includes celebrity collaborations and even promotional shoes, such as the KFC Crocs that smell like fried chicken.
He hopes his collection will earn him a Guinness World Record for the largest collection of Crocs and dreams of one day opening a “Crocseum” to showcase his vast array of colorful footwear.
Sandtiger’s love for Crocs has shown that even the most divisive of footwear can inspire passion and creativity.
Do you like Crocs?
what the name for the croc king
Me 0
nice crocs. i want those kfc crocs 😛
Sheesh I only have one pair of crocs.
why does he need so many pairs? you got 2 feet for 2 shoes XD
I have 20 pairs of crocs but i’m no where near him
hello my brahda i habe 3 pairs but please give me crocs or donate to charity thank you in advance
I have 6,328 Crocs and 3,164 pairs
wow i have 1 pair but 20 jibbiz i will trade one jibbit for one pair deal???