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Half of world’s lakes are shrinking

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A newly published scientific study has found more than half of the world’s large lakes and reservoirs have shrunk since the early 1990s.

This is a big problem because lakes and reservoirs provide us with water for drinking, bathing, growing food, and many other things.

There are a few reasons why lakes and reservoirs are shrinking. One reason is climate change. As the Earth gets warmer, more water evaporates from lakes and reservoirs. This means that there is less water left in the lakes and reservoirs, which can cause them to shrink.

Another reason why lakes and reservoirs are shrinking is human activity. We use a lot of water for things like agriculture, industry, and energy production. This can put a strain on our water resources and lead to lakes and reservoirs shrinking.

Shrinking lakes and reservoirs can have a big impact on people and the environment. For example, when lakes shrink, they can become less productive for fish and other aquatic life. This can lead to a decline in the populations of these animals, which can have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem.

There are a few things that we can do to help prevent lakes and reservoirs from shrinking. One thing we can do is to reduce our use of water. We can do this by taking shorter showers, fixing leaky faucets, and watering our lawns less often.

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