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Dolce & Gabbana makes perfume for Dogs

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Dolce & Gabbana, the famous fashion brand, has launched a new perfume specifically for dogs.

The fragrance, called “Fefé,” costs $108 for a 100-millilitre bottle and is named after Domenico Dolce’s poodle. Although the perfume is certified safe for pets, not everyone agrees it’s a good idea. Some veterinarians worry that it might interfere with a dog’s strong sense of smell, which is essential for how they experience the world.

The company claims that the perfume has been tested and approved by both pet owners and veterinarians, but other experts argue that covering up a dog’s natural scent could make it harder to detect health issues. For instance, certain skin diseases or dental problems might go unnoticed if their odours are masked by the perfume.

Despite the concerns, the market for pet perfumes is growing. Some pet owners and groomers enjoy using these fragrances, believing that a good-smelling dog is more pleasant to have around the house.

However, others feel that perfumes for pets are unnecessary and even contribute to treating animals too much like humans. The debate highlights the growing trend of luxury products for pets, which continues to expand as more people seek ways to pamper their furry friends.

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