Upsetting events are often in the news because they don’t happen very often.
The page below gives you some tips about what to do if you are feeling sad about what you’ve seen, heard or read on Kiwi Kids News.
You can rely on the Kiwi Kids News to tell you the important facts about a story – but some things you hear might be a bit scary or make you feel worried.Below are a list of things that you could do if you find the news upsetting.
1. Remember that you are not the only one who probably feels like that and it’s OK to have those feelings.
2. Don’t keep quiet if you’re worried. Talk about things with your parents or friends.
3. Remember that worrying stories are often in the news because they are rare – they don’t happen very often.
4. It is incredibly unlikely that what you’re reading about or watching might happen near you.
5. Discuss the stories with your parents or friends. You’ll feel better that you’re not the only one worried.
6. You could also talk to your teacher about it – maybe you could have a class discussion which would help you understand the issue better.