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Hoiho wins New Zealand’s Bird of the Year

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The Hoiho has won New Zealand’s Bird of the Year contest.

The yellow-eyed penguin, also called the hoiho, earned 6,328 votes, beating other native birds like the karure and kākāpō. Over 52,000 people voted in the annual event, which aims to raise awareness of New Zealand’s native creatures. This is the second time the hoiho has won the contest.

The hoiho, one of the rarest penguin species, is only found in New Zealand and is known for its loud call and yellow eyes. Sadly, it’s also endangered, with its population dropping by 78% in the last 15 years. Experts say disease, fishing nets, and lack of food are major threats to the penguins.

Nicola Toki, head of Forest & Bird, hopes this win will shine a light on the bird’s struggle for survival.

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