The Curiosity rover recently made a surprising discovery on Mars: yellowish-green crystals of pure sulphur hidden inside rocks.
This happened by chance when the rover accidentally crushed a rock while exploring Mount Sharp, revealing something never seen before on the red planet. Scientists say this is one of the most unusual findings of the mission.
The discovery took place in the Gediz Vallis channel, a path carved by water and debris billions of years ago. While Curiosity was driving, it cracked open a rock, exposing beautiful crystalline textures that stunned scientists. Pure sulphur is rare and unexpected on Mars, as it is usually found in places like hydrothermal vents on Earth, such as those in Yellowstone National Park.
Curiosity has previously found sulphates on Mars, which form when water evaporates, leaving behind hard-water deposits. However, finding pure sulphur was a big surprise. Scientists are now investigating what this discovery reveals about Mars’s past, including whether it might hint at ancient environments that could have supported life.
While exploring the area, Curiosity also found a strange field of bright white rocks. The team initially thought these were debris moved by water, but further inspection suggests they formed right where they were found. The rocks were too small and brittle for Curiosity to drill, so scientists are studying the nearby bedrock to learn more. This discovery adds another exciting chapter to Curiosity’s mission of uncovering the secrets of Mars.
OMG wow
This is so cool, I hope we can live here some day
that is so cool
That’s amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!