Olympic Village faces food shortage

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Athletes at the Olympic Village in Paris are facing a food shortage, particularly of eggs.

The shortage was reported on Wednesday, with many competitors saying that the amount of food, especially eggs and grilled meats, is not enough.

The official catering partner, Sodexo Live!, acknowledged the high demand and promised to increase food supplies. Carrefour, the company responsible for providing fresh products, confirmed that they would be adjusting their deliveries to meet the needs of the athletes.

Feeding the large number of people at the Olympics is a huge task. Around 15,000 athletes from 208 countries, along with support teams and volunteers, need to be fed.

During the games, the village will serve over 13 million meals, which is more than what is served at ten football World Cups.

The athletes can choose from six main dining areas offering French, Asian, Afro-Caribbean, and world cuisines, with 500 different recipes available. The Paris Olympics have a strict quality and environmental standard for their food. They aim to cut the carbon footprint of their meals by half compared to the London 2012 Olympics.

To achieve this, a quarter of all ingredients will come from within 250 kilometers of Paris, and 20% will be organic.

All meat, milk, and eggs will be sourced from France, and a third of the meals will be plant-based. Additionally, 200 fountains for water, juice, and soda have been installed, and only reusable cups and dishes will be used.

Thanks to the team at NourishAppfor supplying this recipe. Make sure you check out all of their recipes on the NourishApp.

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Nice thi is quite intresting


Cool thing to know that and thats a lot of people 13 million


I like this article as I love to watch the olympics!!

james barker

i like the idea of trying to be more eco freindly.

donut king

They should probably get an allowance to get food wherever they want.

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