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NZ First tries to bring in controversial bill

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Today, New Zealand First introduced a controversial bill to Parliament called the Fair Access to Bathrooms Bill. If passed, this legislation would require all new public buildings to have separate, clearly marked unisex and single-sex bathrooms. Additionally, it would impose fines on individuals who use a bathroom not designated for their sex.

This proposal is not part of the coalition agreement, and Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has previously criticized the idea. Despite this, New Zealand First claims the bill addresses public concerns about privacy in mixed-sex bathroom facilities, suggesting there is widespread support for the change.

The bill faces opposition from various quarters. Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins questioned the practicality of enforcing such a law, suggesting that the government should focus on more pressing issues. Furthermore, Green Party spokesperson for rainbow communities, Kahurangi Carter, labeled the bill a direct attack on transgender individuals, criticizing New Zealand First for attempting to gain politically by fostering division.

The discussion around the bill highlights significant disagreements within the government and among the public, indicating a challenging path ahead for this legislation in Parliament.

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