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How long can you plank for?

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A 59-year-old woman from Alberta, Canada, has achieved a new Guinness World Record by maintaining a plank position for an incredible 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 11 seconds.

DonnaJean Wilde surpassed the previous record set by Dana Glowacka of Montreal by about 10 minutes.

Wilde began her journey with planking about a decade ago following a wrist injury that limited her ability to perform many standard exercises.

During her recovery, she discovered she could still plank even with a cast, an activity that became her exercise mainstay during her rehabilitation.

The record-breaking event took place in a school in Magrath, Alberta, where Wilde was supported by students who joined her for parts of her attempt. Wilde, a mother of five and grandmother of twelve, shared a message of perseverance and encouragement, emphasizing the importance of practice in achieving excellence, whether in sports, academics, or any other interest.

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