Kua Eke Panuku Te Pāti Māori

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Kua riro i Te Pāti Māori ngā rohe pōti e ono o ngā rohe e whitu i Aotearoa nei! I riro i a rātou ngā tūru e rua anō i te Whare Paremata, ka mutu ka ono katoa ngā tūru! Koia tētahi ekenga! Tokoono ngā mema autaia tonu e whakakanohi ana i ngā rohe pōti Māori.

Kei whea mai i ngā mahi mīharo a Takutai Natasha Kemp i roto o Tāmaki Makaurau. I riro i a ia te tūru o Tāmaki Makaurau. Nā āna mahi i whakawhiti ai te tūru Reipa ki a ia, ā, ka puta tana ihu i ngā pōtitanga e whā noa iho! Kātahi rā te whakataetae tata ko tēnā!

I Te Tai Tokerau i hinga a MP Kelvin Davis i a Mariameno Kapa-Kingi. I nui ake ana pōti, nō reira ko ia te kaihautū ki reira ināianei.

Hei tā John Tamihere, te upoko o Te Pāti Māori, “Kua hoatu e rātou te hoe urungi ki a Winston Peters o te Pāti NZ First. E tatari ana rātou ki tana waeatanga atu, kia whakamihia rātou e ia!”

Tērā pea ka noho tahi Te Pāti Māori ki a Nāhinara, heoi e ai ki a Christopher Luxon, te upoko o Nāhinara, kei te rangirua ō rātou whakaaro i tēnei wā. He āhuatanga hou tēnā i te mea nō mai rā anō te Te Pāti Māori me Reipa e mahi tahi ana. Heoi, hei tā rātou, hei Te Pāti Māori, e hiahia ana rātou ki te whakamātau i tētahi huarahi rerekē.

Nō reira, me harirū tātou i Te Pāti Māori mō tā rātau rautaki whakahirahira, ā, ka whakamiha hoki a John Tamihere i tana tū hei rangatira. Taihoa tātou ka kite i ngā hua!



Te Pāti Māori has won six of the seven Māori electorates in Aotearoa! They won two more seats in Parliament, making it a total of six seats! That’s a record! Imagine having six awesome members representing the Māori electorates.

Takutai Natasha Kemp did something amazing in Tāmaki Makaurau. She flipped the seat from Labour to Te Pāti Māori, winning by just four votes! Talk about a close race!

In Te Tai Tokerau, Mariameno Kapa-Kingi beat MP Kelvin Davis. She got more votes and now she’s in charge there.

John Tamihere, the president of Te Pāti Māori, says “they’ve given Winston Peters from NZ First Party the driver’s seat. They’re waiting for him to call and say thanks!”

Te Pāti Māori might team up with National, but National’s leader, Christopher Luxon, said they’re not so sure about it. So that’s a change as Te Pāti Māori usually team up with Labour. They said that they want to try something different.

So, let’s give a high-five to Te Pāti Māori for their awesome strategy, and a shout-out to John Tamihere for being a leader. We’ll have to wait and watch what happens next!

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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