Ngā Panonitanga Nui ki te Kāwanatanga

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Kua mutu ngā pōtitanga mō tēnei tau, ā, he nui ngā panonitanga ki te Kāwanatanga – te kāhui whakahaere i a Aotearoa.

Ko te pāti Nāhinara tērā i kaha pōtihia, ā, kāore e kore ka tautokona rātou e te pāti ACT. Heoi, kāore anō tēnei kia mana, nā te mea kāore anō ngā pōti motuhake kia kautehia. Kei ngā kitenga o ngā pōti motuhake te whakatau mehemea rānei ka mate te pāti Nāhinara me te pāti ACT ki te toro i tētahi atu pāti.

Ka mana ngā hua o tēnei pōti ā te 3 o Noema, 2023.
Arā kē ētahi atu āhuatanga e harikoa ai Te Pāti Māori. Ko Te Pāti Māori tētahi rōpū motuhake e nui ana tā rātou aro ki te Māori, ka mutu, kua tino angitu rātou i te nui ake o ō rātou tūru i Pāremata.

Ko tētahi o ō rātou kaitono, a Hana-Rāwhiti, te Mema Pāremata taiohi katoa – e 21 anake tōna pakeke! I ngā pōtitanga, arā ētahi tāngata kāore i hiahia kia noho ko ia hei Mema Pāremata, ā, kāore rātou i pai ki a ia. Heoi, kāore i waiho mā te waewae tūtuki, nā te mea i tino hiahia ia kia noho hei māngai mō te iwi Māori i Pāremata.

E tino harikoa ana tētahi o ngā kaiwhakahaere, a Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, i te toanga o te pāti i ngā rohenga hou, pēnei i Te Tai Hauāuru me Te Tai Tonga. Kia whanga atu tātou ki ngā panonitanga ka hua mai i tēnei Kāwanatanga hou.



Big Changes in Government

The Elections are over for this year and there have been some big changes to the Government – the group of people who will lead Aotearoa.

The National party won the most votes and will likely team up with the ACT party. But the game isn’t over yet, as special votes will need to be counted as well. The result of the special votes may mean that National and ACT may need to have another party join their team. The final voting score will be added up on the 3rd of November 2023.

There are some other changes that Te Pāti Māori are very happy about. Te Pāti Māori, a special group that cares a lot about the Māori people, are very happy with their success this year as they have gained some more seats in Parliament.

One of their candidates, named Hana-Rāwhiti, became the youngest-ever MP at 21 years old! During the elections, there were some people who didn’t want her to be an MP and were not very nice. But Hana-Tawhiti never gave up, because she really wanted to be an advocate for Māori in Parliament.

One of the co-leaders, Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, is so happy they won in new places, like Te Tai Hauāuru and Te Tai Tonga. Let’s see what changes our new Government will make.

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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