Kia Kaha te Reo Māori!

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Koinei Te Wiki o te Reo Māori! He wiki motuhake tēnei e whakanuia ai te reo Māori, ā, nō te tau 1975 kua tū tēnei wiki hei whakanui i te reo i ia tau.

I mua i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori tuatahi, i āwangawanga ētahi mō te oranga tonutanga o te reo Māori nā te mea e mate haere ana. Ko te hua o tēnei āwangawanga, ko te aranga ake o Te Wiki o te Reo Māori me ngā kaupapa maha i whakatūria hei tautoko i te whakamahinga o te reo.

Puta noa i ngā tau rima tekau ka hori, arā te maha o ngā kaupapa mīharo hei whakanui i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Ko ētahi o ēnei kaupapa, ko:
te whakaputa a Kūkara i tētahi kōwhiringa reo Māori o tā rātou taupānga i te tau 2008.
te whakamāori i te kiriata a Disney e kīia nei ko ‘Moana’, ā, i whakaputaina i te tau 2017.
te tūnga tuatahitanga o ‘Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori’ i te tau 2021 i whai wāhi atu ai tōna kotahi miriona tāngata i Aotearoa nei ki te reo Māori i te wā kotahi: ahakoa pānui mai, ahakoa tuhituhi mai, ahakoa whakarongo mai, ahakoa mātakitaki mai, ahakoa kōrero mai rānei!

Kua tino waimarie tātou ki te kite i te tipu haere o te whakamahinga o te reo i roto i ngā tau, ā, ka pēnei tonu i roto i ngā tau kei mua tonu i te aroaro!

E aha ana koe ki te whakanui i Te Wiki o te Reo Māori?



This week is Māori Language Week! This is a special week where we get to celebrate te reo Māori and it has been an annual occurrence ever since the year 1975.

Prior to the first Māori Language Week, there were concerns about the ongoing survival of te reo Māori, as the language was dying out. As a result, the week was established as part of a wider range of initiatives aimed at supporting the use of te reo.

Over the last fifty or so years, we have seen lots of awesome initiatives to celebrate Māori Language Week. Some of these initiatives have included:

  • Google releasing a Māori language version of their search engine in 2008.
  • The Disney film ‘Moana’ was translated into Māori and was released in 2017.
  • The first ‘Māori Language Moment’ in 2021 which saw more than a million people come together in Aotearoa New Zealand to do something in te reo Māori, whether that be reading, writing, listening, watching, or speaking!

We have been very fortunate to see the use of te reo Māori pick up again over the years, and we look forward to seeing this continue in the years to come!

What are you going to do to celebrate Māori Language Week?

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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