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Heaphy Track set to re-open

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The famous Heaphy Track, a fantastic tramping route on the South Island’s West Coast, is all set to reopen. This is big news for the folks living in a quiet town called Karamea, nestled in the stunning landscapes of New Zealand.

The Heaphy Track is like a special pathway that connects Tasman to the West Coast, and it’s one of the country’s “Great Walks.” But guess what? It had to close its doors after a powerful storm in February 2022. That was a bummer for the local economy and all the adventure seekers who love exploring this beautiful trail.

Development West Coast’s Heath Milne said, “Lots of people stopped coming here after the storm. It went from a lot of visitors to just a few.”

Karamea, the nearest town to the track, felt the impact deeply. Imagine, businesses lost almost 70% of their bookings! Maggie Seeman, who runs The Last Resort accommodation, shared how tough it was. But now, everyone is super excited because the track is gearing up to reopen.

Philip Higgs, the owner of Karamea Motors/Express, which helps people get to and from the Heaphy Track, said, “When the track closed last year, everything got really quiet.”

Now, after many months of hard work, the track is ready to welcome trekkers again. They’ve even made some changes to make the track stronger and more resilient. The Department of Conservation decided to build new bridges and pathways that can handle the wild weather better.

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