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King Charles III crowned as the new king of Britain

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King Charles III was crowned as the new king of Britain on Saturday in a grand ceremony that was watched by millions of people around the world. The event was the biggest of its kind in 70 years and was a stunning display of tradition and pageantry dating back a thousand years.

Images of the King’s Coronation – Kiwi Kids News

The coronation ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey, and the Archbishop of Canterbury, the spiritual leader of the Anglican Church, presided over the event. Over 100 world leaders were present, and millions of people watched the ceremony on television.

The highlight of the ceremony was when the Archbishop placed the St Edward’s Crown on Charles’ head, a 360-year-old crown that is one of the most significant symbols of the monarchy. Charles’ wife, Camilla, was also crowned queen during the ceremony, which lasted for two hours.

After the ceremony, there was a massive military procession, and thousands of soldiers cheered and fired gun salutes to celebrate the new king and queen. The newly-crowned monarchs also waved from the balcony of Buckingham Palace to the cheering crowds who gathered on The Mall boulevard.

The coronation ceremony is an essential part of British history and is held only when a new monarch is crowned. The last coronation ceremony was held in 1953 when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned.

King Charles III’s coronation ceremony was a spectacle that showcased Britain’s history and traditions. It was a day of celebration for the British people and for people around the world who admire the British monarchy.

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