Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau-a-Apanui – Supreme Winners for 2023

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Kua tae rā anō te whakataetae kapa haka ā-motu, a Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata ki tōna mutunga, ā, ko Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau a Apanui te kapa i rangaihi rawa atu. E whā rā te roa o te whakataetae nei i tū i Ngā Ana Wai i Tāmakimakaurau, ka mutu, he whakataetae whakahirahira rawa atu.
I whakamihia e te heamana o Te Matatini, e Herewini Parata, ngā kapa i whakawhiwhia ki ngā taonga, tae noa atu ki ngā kapa katoa i tū i ngā rangi e whā. Kāore i ārikarika āna mihi ki te hunga nā rātou te kaupapa i tū ai, arā, ki ngā kaihaka, ngā kaiwhakawā, ngā tāngata e kaingākaunui ana ki ngā mahi a Tānerore, ngā tūao, ngā kaitautoko, ā, ki a Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei anō hoki.
He mea whakatinana e ngā ringa tōhau nui ‘te hā o Te Matatini’, te mauri e oho katoa ai Te Matatini, ā, nā tēnei i kotahi ai te marea i roto i ngā mihi ki ngā whānau i Te Tai Tokerau, i Te Tairāwhiti, me Ngāti Kahungunu.


The 2023 Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata National Kapa Haka Festival has come to an end, and Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau a Apanui has been named the supreme winner. The competition, which took place at Ngā Ana Wai (Eden Park) in Tāmakimakaurau Auckland, lasted for four days and was intense and spectacular.
Selwyn Parata, Te Matatini Chairman, congratulated all of the kapa who performed over the last four days, as well as the winners of the taonga and the supreme winner. He thanked everyone who made the 2023 Te Matatini Festival happen, including the kaihaka, judges, haka enthusiasts, volunteers, sponsors, and Ngāti Whātua Ōrakei.
The contributions of everyone involved embodied ‘te hā o Te Matatini’, the essence that brings Te Matatini to life, and enabled them to unite and send their thoughts and mihi to their whānau in Te Tai Tokerau, Te Tairāwhiti, and Ngāti Kahungunu.
A full list of the winners will be available on Te Matatini’s website, and the next national kapa haka festival will be hosted in the Aotea rohe in 2025

Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air.

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i loved watching the kapa haka festival at school

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